Image of the Day: Spontaneous Regeneration
Image of the Day: Spontaneous Regeneration
The eel-like lamprey can return to normal swimming and burrowing after suffering a severed spinal cord twice.
Image of the Day: Spontaneous Regeneration
Image of the Day: Spontaneous Regeneration

The eel-like lamprey can return to normal swimming and burrowing after suffering a severed spinal cord twice.

The eel-like lamprey can return to normal swimming and burrowing after suffering a severed spinal cord twice.

sea lamprey

Image of the Day: Suckers
The Scientist and The Scientist Staff | Apr 10, 2018 | 1 min read
A recently expanded online database allows researchers and the public to share and view videos of sea lampreys.
Lampreys Heat Up Before Mating
Kate Yandell | Jun 28, 2013 | 1 min read
Fatty tissues on backs of male fish get warmer in the presence of potential partners.