Bat flying in front of tan building
Fruit Bats Echolocate During the Day Despite Having Great Vision
Contrary to what researchers had assumed, Egyptian fruit bats don’t rely solely on sight to orient themselves as they drink and forage for food in daylight. 
Fruit Bats Echolocate During the Day Despite Having Great Vision
Fruit Bats Echolocate During the Day Despite Having Great Vision

Contrary to what researchers had assumed, Egyptian fruit bats don’t rely solely on sight to orient themselves as they drink and forage for food in daylight. 

Contrary to what researchers had assumed, Egyptian fruit bats don’t rely solely on sight to orient themselves as they drink and forage for food in daylight. 

echolocation, ecology

Image of the Day: Acoustic Camouflage
Kerry Grens | Nov 14, 2018 | 1 min read
Moths’ scales vibrate in the frequency range of bats’ echolocation calls, perhaps helping the insects to avoid predation.
Image of the Day: Fire Alarm
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Bats use both echolocation and vision to avoid eating unpleasant fireflies.