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Top 10 Innovations 2015
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2015 | 10+ min read
The newest life-science products making waves in labs and clinics
Sweet science
Megan Scudellari | Sep 15, 2010 | 4 min read
Ever had the urge to take a nice crunchy bite of Drosophila or lick icing off a brain? You will after a visit to linkurl:Not So Humble Pie,; a blog run by scientist-turned-baker, Ms. Humble. A blogger who refers to herself as "a typical nerdy biological anthropologist turned stay at home mom," Ms. Humble -- who chooses to remain anonymous -- began the blog in October 2009. Since then, the popular blog has regularly featured science-themed baked goods, from zebr
Image-Processing Software Makes Gains As Desktop Tool
Laurel Joyce | Feb 16, 1992 | 6 min read
A picture may not be worth a thousand words to a scientist unless it can be manipulated to yield useful information. One way of gleaning such data is computerized image processing, a technique for quantifying visual images. With an image-process- ing system, a geologist can build contour maps from satellite photos, a plant physiologist can count and measure individual cells in a leaf, and a molecular biologist can analyze an autoradiograph from a DNA sequencing gel. In the past decade, the com
Top 10 Innovations 2012
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2012 | 10+ min read
The Scientist’s 5th installment of its annual competition attracted submissions from across the life science spectrum. Here are the best and brightest products of the year.
The Scientist Staff | Oct 25, 1998 | 7 min read
BIOREMEDIATION TO THE PIGPEN It was a stinky summer at the EnviroPork hog facility near Larimore, N.D., with penalties pending for violating state odor regulations, and neighbors complaining loudly about the foul fragrance. Making matters worse, the manure lagoon associated with the facility threatened groundwater supplies. Happily, researchers from the University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) had a low-tech solution: barley straw. Using a cannon, they shot a
Software Helps Researchers In Sorting Through The Human Genome
Ricki Lewis | Jul 21, 1996 | 10 min read
The Human Genome SIDEBAR : Selected Suppliers of Software for Gene Discovery and Analysis Genetics has been an informational science since the elucidation of DNA's structure. Today's researchers say the field shifted to a more computational mode in 1990-the year that research groups began mapping genes to specific chromosomal sites for the Human Genome Project. "That year was pivotal, because it was then that the need to sequence significant amounts of DNA became compelling," says Richard Gib
One Step Beyond: Going Beyond Genomics With Proteomics And Two-Dimensional Gel Technology
Laura Defrancesco | Jan 3, 1999 | 10+ min read
Proteomes and 2D Gel Apparatus Providers Big science has moved on to proteins. With the new brand of science termed proteomics--named by the Australians Marc Wilkins and Keith Williams to mean the "set of PROTEins encoded by the genOME"--the push is on around the globe to produce a complete description of a cell/tissue/organism in terms of the proteins produced. The challenge is all the greater because the expressed protein pattern changes with time and environment--responding to developmenta

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