Many of your readers are undoubtedly supportive, at least in principle, of the goals of the grassroots pro-research organizations that have emerged. There is a clear and critical need to educate the public, politicians, and many scientists and educators about the need to use animals in research and teaching. However, these supporters should also realize that the educational activities of organizations such as the Coalition for Animal and Animal Research; Citizens for Life, Education and Research; and The Incurably Ill for Animal Research need financial support from all segments of the scientific community. Individuals who wish to support such educational activities in their own states or locales should contact the Foundation for Biomedical Research (818 Connecticut Ave., Suite 303, Washing- ton, D.C. 20006) for information. On a national scale, it is estimated that the animal rights organizations have annual operating budgets of between $35 million and $50 million. Clearly, if...
Charles Nicoll