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Scientists creating life, a banned pesticide still doing damage, the need to shift gears with cancer vaccines, potential pandemics no one is talking about, good science as bad business: The Scientist tackles these and other thought provoking topics at

The Scientist's first issue of 2006 includes:

SOMETHING FROM NOTHING? Jack Lucentini reports that scientists around the world have created membranes filled with ten of the twelve elements needed to function as an artificial cell. Lucentini finds out if this progress signals the impending arrival of artificial life.

In the same feature, J. Craig Venter, co-founder of Celera Genomics, and current president of the J. Craig Venter Institute discusses how his work on synthetic biology could help rewrite the book on genomics. Drew Endy, co-founder of MIT's synthetic biology working group, explains the...

THE FUTURE OF CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY: Ira Mellman, chair of the department of cell biology at Yale University, writes that a lack of understanding has stymied progress for cancer vaccines. Mellman offers a compelling vision for a more successful future, outlining the steps that the scientific world must take to make cancer immunotherapy a reality.

BANNED PESTICIDE STILL IN HEAVY USE: Alison McCook discovers that despite a global ban on methyl bromide, many US farmers are still using it to fumigate crops. McCook investigates why the battle to eliminate the pesticide is turning farmer against farmer and how its continued use is depleting the ozone layer.

GOOD SCIENCE, BAD BUSINESS: Stephen Little, CEO of DxS, explains why compelling science doesn't always mean commercial success. Little lays out seven steps that will help determine if your efforts in pharmacogenomics have a chance at becoming the FDA's next approved product.

FORGET AVIAN FLU - YELLOW JACK IS HERE: Columnist Jack Woodall, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, warns that while bird flu is generating tons of press, there are other killers already in our midst. We've already dodged several bullets with yellow fever, says Woodall, and the potential epidemic you don't know about could be worse than the one grabbing headlines.

MAKING LEMONADE: Karen Hopkin profiles Inder Verma, a scientist with a knack for making something good out of something bad. Hopkins relates how this ability allowed Verma to see HIV in a new light, creating technology that uses the disease as a therapy tool.

RESEARCH ON THE CHEAP: Melissa Lee Phillips chronicles how cash-strapped academic labs make the most of limited resources. From reusing tools, to building your own equipment, Phillips collects tips that could save a scientist as much as $29,000 this year.

For more information on any of these articles, or to obtain an embargoed copy of an article, contact Anna King of The Scientist at 215-351-1660 ext. 3024
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