Headshot of Brianna Chrisman

Brianna Chrisman

Brianna Chrisman is a final-year PhD student in the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University. In her research, she uses non-reference human DNA sequences to better understand viral, metagenomic, and genetic diversity.

Articles by Brianna Chrisman
Illustration showing assembly Versus Alignment
Infographic: The Sequencing and Assembly of the Human Genome
Brianna Chrisman and Jordan Eizenga | Sep 1, 2022 | 5 min read
With ever-advancing genetic technologies, researchers continue to document the genetic code of the human species.
Illustration showing a puzzle piece of DNA being removed
Large Scientific Collaborations Aim to Complete Human Genome
Brianna Chrisman and Jordan Eizenga | Sep 1, 2022 | 10+ min read
Thirty years out from the start of the Human Genome Project, researchers have finally finished sequencing the full 3 billion bases of a person’s genetic code. But even a complete reference genome has its shortcomings.