Buy 3, Get 1 Free
Until October 30, 2000, Stratagene is offering a special introductory price on its Human and Mouse Total RNA: Buy three and get the fourth free. Human total RNA is available from a variety of normal and diseased adult and fetal human tissues; mouse total RNA is derived from pathogen-free tissues from a BALB/c mouse strain. Both products are subjected to high quality standards and are RNase-free. To receive this promotional offer, reference Quote #PP001.
Stratagene, (800) 424-5444,
Ultra-Lum's Blue-Lite Special |
Attention, Gel Electrophoresis Shoppers
The new Blue-Lite Special™ UV-to-Blue Light Conversion System from Ultra-Lum Inc. of Paramount, Calif., converts any UV wavelength on any UV transilluminator to blue light. Thus, researchers can visualize electrophoretic gels containing any biological material without exposing themselves or their samples to harmful UV radiation. The Blue-Lite Special is equipped with a conversion plate that permits integration into Polaroid...