E.C. Masteller, K.M. Buzby, "Composition and temporal abundance of aquatic insect emergence from a tropical rainforest stream, Quebrada Prieta, at El Verde, Puerto Rico: Introduction," Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 66:133-9, 1993.
Ed Masteller (Division of Science, Behrend College, Pennsylvania State University, Erie): "Long-term investigations were conducted in an island tropical rainforest with an aseasonal environment using an emergence trap to collect adult aquatic insects. This study involved six specialists of different aquatic insect groups and produced the following six papers in J. Kansas Entomol. Soc.: one (O.S. Flint, Jr., et al., 66:140-50) on caddisflies (Trichop-tera); one (M.L. Pescador, et al., 66:151-60) on mayflies (Ephemero-ptera); one (J.K. Gelhaus, et al., 66:160-6) on crane flies (Tipulidae); one (L.C. Ferrington, Jr., et al., 66:167-80) on midges (Chirono-midae); one (R.H. Wagner, et al., 66:181-86) on mothflies (Psychodidae); and one (E.C. Masteller, et al., 66:187-91) on dance flies, biting midges, and black flies...