Department of Energy -Energy supply R&D 3,224 3,424 3,315 -Gen. Sci & Res. 1,615 1,074 984
National Aeronautics and Space Administration --Space station R&D 1,940 1,890 1,890
--Science, aeronautics, 5,788 5,901 5,901 and technology
National Institute of Standards and Technology 520 935 855
Environmental Protection Agency (R&D) 338 364 350
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 227 238 259 Department of Agriculture --Agri. Res. Service 728 743 696
--Coop. State Research Service 495 419 433 Research Service
Defense Department Total research, development, test, and evaluation 34,721 36,255 34,870
--Basic research (colleges and universities) 1,470 1,460 1,300
Source: Various government agencies and science associations Barton Reppert is a freelance science writer based in Gaithersburg, Md.