Modern Biotechnology S B Penrose. Blackwell Scientific:
September, 200 pp, $24.95.
Provides detailed information on recombinant DNA technology, industrial microbiology, monoclonal antibodies, and plant and animal cell culture; includes a discussion of the legal, social and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology.
Deformation of Sediments and
Sedimentary Rocks (No. 28). M.E.
Jones and R.M.F. Preston, eds.
Blackwell Scientific: September,
360 pp, $90.
Reports on theoretical and field studies from around the world, providing both a descriptive account and a discussion of the mechanisms of sedimentation deformation.
Earthquakes (2nd edition). Bruce
A. Bolt. Freeman: August, 304 pp,
HB $25.95, PB $13.95.
Discusses current technology in the study of earthquakes and forecasting, examining lessons learned from some of history’s most devastating quakes, such as the recent catastrophes in Mexico City and Guatemala.
The Geology and Geochemistry of
Abyssal Plains (No. 29). P.P.E.
Weaver and J. Thomson, eds.
Blackwell Scientific:...