What a year for felines - first a company linkurl:claims to have bred;http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/39383 them to be hypoallergenic and now South Korean scientists have made them glow in the dark. According to news linkurl:reports;http://tinyurl.com/2cseps this week, Kong Il-keun at Gyeongsang National University cloned Turkish Angora cats with red fluorescent protein inserted into their genome. According to Korea.net, Il-keun is excited about the possibility of using the cat as a model for human disease. Interestingly, the company selling hypoallergenic cats, Allerca, also wanted to make linkurl:glow-in-the-dark animals.;http://www.the-scientist.com/2007/1/1/38/1 Simon Brodie, the company's founder, thought making deer glow at night could help prevent them from being hit by cars. Perhaps not surprisingly, the project never got off the ground. (As my father once quipped, "I don't care if the deer's on fire; if you're going 60 miles an hour and it jumps out in front of you, you're going to hit it.") The hypoallergenic...

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