The Particle Data Group: G.P. Yost, et al., "Review of particle properties," Physics Letters B, 204, 1-486, 14 April 1988.
Thomas G. Trippe (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley): "This review is an international effort of 32 authors and 75 consultants to provide high-energy physicists with the most useful review possible. It provides high-energy physicists with much of the information needed for designing and analyzing experiments and developing theories. It is also very useful for teaching high-energy physics.
"The heart of the review is the compilation of data on elementary particles and the resulting summary tables giving the Particle Data Group's best values of particle masses, mean lives, decay rates, decay modes, and so on. The paper also contains parameters and formulas for calculations related to particle interaction and detection; for example, tables of physical constants, atomic and nuclear properties of materials, mean range and energy loss...