Reprinted From: Science Watch, May 1994
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which supports more than 250 investigators and their staffs at 63 United States universities and medical centers, has become a leader in biomedical research in the last decade. In an effort to assess the impact that Hughes investigators have had compared to other researchers in the biomedical community, the newsletter Science Watch compiled data on the instituteUs share of the 200 most-cited biomedical papers in each of the last nine years. The newsletter also produced a list of the premier Hughes investigators in terms of their total citations. Science Watch-- published by the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)--used the ISI Science Indicators Database to track the rise in HHMI's publishing contribution to biomedicine.
The following article is reprinted from the May 1994 issue of Science Watch, with permission of the newsletter and ISI. The...