These papers were selected from multiple disciplines from the Faculty of 1000, a Web-based literature awareness tool
T.A. Allen et al., "The SINE-encoded mouse B2 RNA represses mRNA transcription in response to heat shock,"
A small, noncoding RNA, called B2, is expressed during heat shock and represses transcription from RNA polymerase II. Interestingly, B2 RNA is transcribed from a DNA region previously thought to be "junk DNA" within the mouse genome. (See also C.A. Espinoza et al.,
I. Splawski et al., "Ca(V)1.2 calcium channel dysfunction causes a multisystem disorder including arrhythmia and autism,"
This fascinating paper identifies the mutation in Timothy syndrome to be in the gene for the L-type calcium channel CaV1.2. The paper serves to underline...