A new type of cancer cell growth
Re: cancer stem cells.
We have shown that such cells have he potential to undergo neosis, a parasexual, somatic reduction division characterized by karyokinesis via nuclear budding followed by asymmetric cytokinesis, giving rise to aneuploid or near diploid daughter cells termed Raju cells (Raju means king or leader in the Telugu language). The latter cells are unique in that they transiently display...
1. I. Weissman, M. Clarke, "Leukemia and cancer stem cells," The Scientist, 20(4):35, April 2006.2. P. Dirks, "Stem cells for brain cancer," The Scientist, 20(4):37, April 2006.3. M. Sundaram et al., "Neosis: a novel type of cell division in cancer," Cancer Biol Ther, 3:217-8 2004.4. R. Rajaraman et al., "Neosis - a paradigm of self-renewal in cancer," Cell Biol Int 29:1084-97, 2005.The problem with microarrays
Re: "In search of microarray standards."
Peng Liang
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Nashville, Tenn.
1. J. Perkel, "In search of micrarray standards," The Scientist, 20(3):73, March 2006.2. P. Liang, A.B. Pardee. "Analysing differential gene expression in cancer," Nat Review Cancer, 3:869-76, 2003.The interactome: Next steps
Re: "Time for a Human Interactome Project?"
We have suggested a comparative functional genomic approach to the problem of identifying gene regulatory networks, which would then be amenable to '-omics.' By determining ligand/receptor signaling pathways common to development, homeostasis and repair across phyla
John S. Torday
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Campus
Los Angeles