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Hereditary sterility for species eradication
Re: "Precision Extinction."1 Traps, poison, epizooties, and other measures seem too crude in the face of so many genetic advances. What could be more specific than species-reproduction controls? This could be an induced change in male chromosomes so that the whole progeny would carry only YY sperm. Once introduced in appropriate numbers, those males could bring about the species' extinction by progressive loss of females. Theoretically, this should work with all dyadic animal organisms. Is anyone currently working on such a "hereditary sterility?"
Aldo Pereira
São Paulo, Brazil
Nick Atkinson responds: It's true that many of the technologies involved in eradication campaigns seem rather crude, but that's perhaps only at a surface level. Techniques such as the use of "Judas" goats or pigs have a highly specific effect,...