Sidebar: Advisory Panel's Recommendations to NIH

But budget concerns may force the agency's heralded Fogarty Center to stand pat
A comparatively small proposed budget increase for the center that coordinates international programs of the National Institutes of Health may prevent any significant expansion of its global efforts in the near future.

A report submitted last fall by an external advisory panel recommended "a strengthening of international activities" at NIH (see list of recommendations on page 3). The report also advised that the John C. Fogarty International Center (FIC) remain the focal point for NIH's international programs and "embark on additional activities" in collaboration with NIH's institutes, centers, and divisions (ICDs) "to advance science and promote global health." But the fiscal year 1998 budget submitted by President Clinton in early February would raise FIC's funding by only $600,000-from this year's estimated $26.6 million to next year's proposed $27.2 million.


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