Peter D. Moore
Department of Biology King's College.
London, U.K.
" It has proved difficult to demonstrate in the field that acid precipitation has actually resulted in the lowering of the pH of a soil, but research in the peatlands of Scotland has now provided strong circumstantial evidence showing that peats with very high acidity (pH less than 3.0) are found only in regions subjected to intense acid deposition (in excess of 0.8 kg hydrogen ions per hectare per annum).
U. Skiba, M.S. Cresser, R.G. Derwent, D.W. Futty, ``Peat acidification in Scotland," Nature, 337 (6202), 68-69, 5 January 1989.
" Food selection in herbivores varies with the age, sex, and physiological status of the individual animal. Pregnant female mountain hares in Scotland have lower levels of heather in their stomachs than do nonreproducing females. This is probably related to the avoidance of high levels of phenolics by the pregnant...