(Philadelphia, PA - June 2003)
The top companies ranked by industry participants in The Scientist's "Best Places to Work in Industry" survey value high ethical standards and integrity. The results are detailed in the article "The Pleasures and Perils of Scientists in Industry" appearing in the June 16, 2003 issue of The Scientist.
To find out what scientists think about their companies, The Scientist invited more than 25,000 readers to participate in the survey, garnering 1400 useable responses from scientists in industry working in the USA, Canada, and western Europe.
Ethical Standards Prove Most Important
The Scientist asked employees from life science corporations to evaluate their own workplaces and identify company characteristics they consider important. Six of the top 10 factors identified relate to integrity and work ethic, three of the top 10 relate to training, and only one mentions pay as a significant issue.
What workers want: 1. Maintaining ...