Below is a list of notable grants recently awarded in the sciences—large federal grants as well as awards of all sizes from prIvate foundations. The individual cited with each entry is the project’s principal investigator.
BIOMEDICINE Research. $75,000 from Dow Corning Corp. to Clemson University for biomedical and bioengineering research and development
Cell growth and protein synthesis in vascular cells. $243,543 from W.W. Smith Charitable Trust,’ Rosemont, Pa., to Connective Tissue Research Institute, Philadelphia; N. Kefalides, R. Alper R. Harper Faculty support $32,588 from Research Corp., Tucson, Ariz., to Reed College for support of science professors
Molecular research. $3.5 million from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, Newport Beach, Calif., to Stanford University School of Medicine for research on the structure of biological molecules and their relationship to medicine
BIOLOGY Fellowship in molecular studies of evolution. $80,500 from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, to Harvard University
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