Following is a selection of grants that have been awarded recently by public and private funding sources.
BIOMEDICINE: Six National Cooperative Vaccine Development Groups have been funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Each will be funded for three to five years and will receive approximately $4 million for the first year. The recipient universities and scien- tists are:
University of Washington School of Medicine; L. Corey
University of Massachusetts Medical Center F.A. Ennis
University of California at Davis School of Medicine; M.B. Gardner
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research; R.C. Kennedy
Stanford University School of Medicine; E.S. Mocarski
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research; R.A. Young
Research on oncogenes. $631,315 for five years from NIH (under MERIT program to reduce need for renewal applications by outstanding researchers) to Fox Chase Cancer Center, Pa.; M.W. Lieberman
Trauma research center. $3.2 million over five years from NIH to University of...