Note: The answer grid will include every letter of the alphabet.
I certainly hope that over the coming decade we see an increasing global effort to put in place appropriate regulations for using genome editing, especially in applications that could have a very profound impact on everyone.
—Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley, biologist and seminal figure in the development of CRISPR genome editing, talking to Fortune about genomics in the 2020s (December 19)
Perhaps an obvious response to these findings is to encourage women to act more like men and be more positive; . . . this ‘fix the women’ approach lacks an understanding of the current evidence base on gender equity. We must fix the systems that support gender disparities.
—Reshma Jagsi of the University of Michigan and Julie Silver of...
ACROSS 1. Mammal with a prehensile nose trunk |
DOWN 1. Lachrymatory agent (2 wds.) |