WOMEN IN SCIENCE>> The new Rosalind Franklin Society, which aims to encourage women's participation in science, holds its inaugural meeting April 6 at The Rockefeller University in New York City. For more information, E-mail mliebert@liebertpub.com.
VACCINE VENTURES>> After you read the feature on global vaccine policy on page 48 register for the Tenth Annual Conference on Vaccine Research, being held April 30 through May 2 in Baltimore, Md. and sponsored by the National Foundation for Infectious Disease. For more information go to www.nfid.org/conferences/vaccine07/.
FISH FARMERS>> If Andrea Gawrylewski's description of whirling disease in trout on page 22 has you interested in aquaculture, get to Edinburgh, Scotland April 17-19 for Aquaculture Today. Speakers will discuss the state of the industry, including fish welfare and environmental issues. To read the program visit www.aquaculturetoday.co.uk/. Plus, see a slideshow of Gawrylewski's visit to a hatchery where the...