October 2022, Issue 1 Table of Contents


Hawaiian Bobtail squid
Symbiotic Organs: Extreme Intimacy with the Microbial World
Catherine Offord | Oct 3, 2022 | 10+ min read
All multicellular creatures interact with bacteria, but some have taken the relationship to another level with highly specialized structures that house, feed, and exploit the tiny organisms.

Speaking of Science

Found hunting at night, the Hawaiian Bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes displays amazing colors through its light emitting organs. They are common in sand flats around the Hawaiian islands.
Ten Minute Sabbatical
Ten Minute Sabbatical
Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse

Critic at Large

Organic food - flat design style colorful illustration. A composition with male, female characters, family, a big plate of vegetables, vegetarian salad, carrot, pepper, greens. Healthy lifestyle
Opinion: Eating Right to Avoid Catastrophe
Opinion: Eating Right to Avoid Catastrophe
The key to averting cataclysmic events, such as pandemics, climate change, and mass extinction of species, lies partly in what’s on our plates.


Kentish plover standing by nest with eggs
Avian Deception More Widespread Than Previously Thought
Avian Deception More Widespread Than Previously Thought
The broken-wing display, in which birds fake being wounded to protect their nests from predators, is found across the avian phylogenetic tree, a study finds.
Blue Whales - Sri Lanka April 2012
The Evolutionary Shaping of Modern Whales
The Evolutionary Shaping of Modern Whales
A survey of more than 200 whale skulls has unveiled bursts of evolution over the past 50 million years.

Scientist to Watch

Photo of Ankara Jain in his lab
Ankur Jain Explores RNA Aggregations in Neurodegenerative Disease
Ankur Jain Explores RNA Aggregations in Neurodegenerative Disease
The MIT biologist studies how RNA molecules self-assemble and the role these accumulations may play in diseases such as ALS and Huntington’s.


A black and white photo of a woman in a plumed hat in a laboratory classroom with several men
Birth of The Pill, 1956–1960
Birth of The Pill, 1956–1960
Researchers overseeing the clinical trial for the first FDA-approved oral contraceptive claimed the drug gave the Puerto Rican participants power over their family planning. Critics claimed the women were exploited.


Illustration of a Hawaiian Bobtail squid
Infographic: Symbiotic Organs Bring Hosts and Microbes Closer
Infographic: Symbiotic Organs Bring Hosts and Microbes Closer
Specialized structures in plants and animals help attract and mediate communication with bacterial symbionts.