Black-Browed Albatross
Crossword Puzzle

Ten Minute Sabbatical

Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse

| 47 min read
Image credit© ISTOCK.COM, Gannet77
June D1 2022 Crossword
Click the puzzle for a full-size, interactive version.
Note: The answer grid will include every letter of the alphabet.
Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

If we don’t get our arms around evolution, precision medicine will never work.

—Anna Barker, chief strategy officer at the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC and former principal deputy director of the National Cancer Institute, speaking at the American Association for Cancer Research’s 2022 annual meeting about the importance of studying cancer within the framework of organismal evolution (April 11)

1. Anatomic opposite of proximal
4. Company providing some COVID-19 vaccines
8. Treatment in many a clinical trial
10. Subject of optics
11. Becquerel or Bergson
12. Site of the Chicxulub crater
13. What corals make of aragonite
17. Resistance to change in velocity
19. Insect’s post-pupal stage
21. Units called “uncuttable” by ancient Greeks
22. 40,075-kilometer circle
23. Like guanacos and alpacas, in habitat
24. Form in which most plants store energy


1. What bathymetrists measure
2. Reproduce as oysters and frogs do
3. Atlantic herring with a brewed-up name?
5. Kind of acid in green leafy vegetables
6. Unions of gametes
7. Site of photoreceptor cells
9. Refuel, as red blood cells
13. Estrogen or prednisone
14. Passage for an exiting egg
15. Sweet Mexican tuber used in salads
16. Beryllium’s place on the table?
18. Unit of magnetic flux density
20. Michaelmas daisy, by another name

We’re getting interesting calls on sick and dying, unfortunately, bald eagles and snowy owls and some beautiful, charismatic, large raptors. Some waterfowl have been investigated and tested positive, but it’s mostly the eagles that seem to be the canary in the coal mine right now.

—Brad Allen of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife speaking to a local NBC affiliate after two bald eagles tested positive for avian influenza (News Center Maine, April 13)
Illustration showing eagles with a fever
© jonny hawkins