
Best Pipetting Practices

Correct pipetting techniques allow scientists to instantly improve experimental accuracy.

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Temperature Equilibrium icon
Temperature Equilibrium
If possible, ensure that the pipette, tips, and liquids are at room temperature. Pre-wet to equilibrate temperature differences and humidity inside the pipette and tip.
Optimize Volume icon
Optimize Volume
Pipette within 35–100 percent of the nominal volume range for air displacement pipettes. When dispensing multiple aliquots, discard the first and last dispense of the series.
Pre-Wet icon
After loading tips, aspirate and dispense the nominal volume 3 times to pre-wet. Without this step, the first few dispenses may deliver less volume.
Tackling Tricky Liquids icon
Tackling Tricky Liquids
Pipette viscous liquids slowly and volatile liquids quickly. Reverse pipette to avoid volume loss; aspirate the selected volume plus an extra discardable dispense.
How to Pipette icon
How to Pipette
Hold the pipette at a consistent angle ≤20 degrees. Immerse the pipette tip 2–3mm below the liquid’s surface and touch off after each dispense.
Calibration icon
Calibrate pipettes based on liquid density. When working with nonaqueous liquids, recalibrate the pipette if the liquid has a considerably different density than water.
Learn more tips for proper pipetting.

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