
DNA Droplets in Motion Accelerate Gene Discovery

Encasing CRISPR tools in oil droplets offers a fast-track approach to conducting extensive genetic screens in animals.

Laura Tran, PhD
| 1 min read

Applying CRISPR to investigate multiple genes simultaneously in model organisms like zebrafish is challenging. Researchers at the University of Utah developed a streamlined platform called Multiplexed Intermixed CRISPR Droplets (MIC-Drop).1 By combining droplet microfluidics, precise injections, and DNA barcoding, this method enables large-scale gene identification.

A CRISPR-Cas platform uses microfluidic droplets, encasing CRISPR components and DNA barcodes, and injects individual droplets into zebrafish embryos. The embryos are raised and then researchers link phenotypes to genotypes by sequencing the barcodes.
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