
Well Scanning
The presence of bacterial aggregates can increase data variability if measurements are only taken in the center of the well. Well scanning spreads measurement locations across a broader area, thus improving data quality. 

Condensation droplets affixed to the lid or sealer can artificially increase optical density measurements. Condensation can be mitigated by not transferring pre-warmed plates to a non-heated microplate reader.

Optimal growth depends on environmental conditions such as temperature and atmospheric composition. Meeting a given organism’s specific requirements encourages growth and reduces cell death and the resultant debris. 

Path Length Correction
When comparing results from different vessels, values must be normalized to the path length of the liquid. Light scattering of OD600 samples negatively affects waterpeak-based methods for path length correction. Use volume-based correction methods instead. 

Liquid evaporation increases with rising temperature. Insufficient liquid volumes negatively affect OD600 measurements. A gas permeable sealer or plastic lid can help mitigate evaporation. 

Learn more about performing OD600 measurements on microplate readers.

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