CELLULAR THIEVERY: Scientists reported last year that cancer cells (lower right) are capable of stealing mitochondria from immune cells such as T cells (upper left) using long extensions called nanotubes. Posted: November 30, 2021
© Tanmoy Saha

MOMMY BOTS: In a world first, researchers created replicating xenobots from the stem cells of the African frog (Xenopus laevis). Here, the Pac-Man–shaped “parent” (red) replicates by smooshing together loose stem cells (green). Posted: December 2, 2021
Douglas Blackiston, Sam Kriegman

COMB GENOME: In November, researchers published the chromosome-level genome sequence of the California sea gooseberry (Hormiphora californensis), a species of comb jelly, adding another facet to the debate over whether sponges or these ctenophores represent the earliest branch of the animal family tree. Posted: November 24, 2021
Darrin Schultz © 2021 MBARI

GUT CHECK: Researchers have found that intestinal infections in mice can protect gut neurons from pathogens such as these Salmonella bacteria (yellow). Posted: November 19, 2021

HEADLESS HYDRA: A December study revealed the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that allow Hydra vulgaris to regenerate its entire head after decapitation.
© iStock.com, Ivan Mattioli

WEEEEEEE!: Harvard neurobiologist Paul Shamble and colleagues found the silk produced by zebra jumping spiders (Salticus scenicus) to be more than twice as tough as silk from the orb weaver (Trichonephila clavipes). Posted: November 12, 2021
Paul Shamble