Newly created synthetic particles that mimic red blood cells may one day carry drug molecules and/or oxygen through bloodstreams, according to researchers linkurl:writing; in this week's issue of the __Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences__ (__PNAS__). What's more, the team of scientists in Michigan and California say the particles could also be used to improve the resolution of magnetic resonance imaging.
The synthetic red blood cells
that Mitragotri and his team developed

Image: Nishit Doshi
"It's a very nice paper and very exciting work," linkurl:Krishnendo Roy,; a biomedical engineer at the University of Texas at Austin who wasn't involved with the study, told __The Scientist__. "The beauty of their method is its simplicity." University of California, Santa Barbara, chemical engineer linkurl:Samir Mitragotri; led the team of scientists and told __The Scientist__ that the blood cell-like particles could evolve into useful tools in the clinic. "What we got very excited...

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