2011 Labbies | Video Finalists | Website Finalists
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Using a run-of-the-mill flatbed scanner, artist David Montgomery turned his scavenged collection of seed pods, shells, shrubs, and weeds into animated, time-lapse masterpieces that celebrate the subtle differences between individuals of the same species.
Johns Hopkins University material scientist Michael Yu explains how synthetic collagen mimics developed by his lab could one day be used to image tumors and deliver drugs designed to annihilate them. Animation by the INBT Animation Studio.
"You're scanning along, you're looking, and all of a sudden, there it is, you just know, that's the one." While this may sound like the search for the perfect mate, it's actually a researcher describing how to spot a happy, thriving cell. Produced by Irish filmmaker, Hugh McGrory, the video features microscopy images taken by Yale University postdocs along with ...