Sea urchins are popular in developmental biology research thanks to their well defined embryology, the ease of gene transfer into eggs, and the abundance of eggs for biochemical work. Now the sea urchin genome project is off to a start with sequence from the ends of 76,020 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombinants. In the August 15
A sea urchin genome project
Sea urchins are popular in developmental biology research thanks to their well defined embryology, the ease of gene transfer into eggs, and the abundance of eggs for biochemical work. Now the sea urchin genome project is off to a start with sequence from the ends of 76,020 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombinants. In the August 15 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Cameron et al. report that these sequence tag connectors (STCs) occur at an average of 10 kb apart in the s

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William Wells
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