In his call to arms against the animal rights movement (The Scientist, Nov. 23, 1992, page 12), Patrick Cleveland attempts to demonize the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) by lumping it with organizations and individuals that oppose all animal research, condone terrorism, and vilify scientists. As the person in charge of HSUS's programs on animal research issues, I would like to respond to this blatant mischaracterization.
HSUS does not oppose all animal research. Our policy advocates reform, not abolition. Our programs are pragmatic attempts to reduce the suffering and use of laboratory animals without compromising biomedical science. Our work is guided by our Scientific Advisory Council, which consists of physicians, scientists, and veterinarians from prominent institutions.
HSUS has been very clear on our opposition to terrorism and violence. We have expressed our views before Congress, in full- page ads in the New York Times, and here.
HSUS has ...