Adrian Morrison's warning that the threat from animal rights groups remains (The Scientist, Aug. 19, 1996, page 11) must be taken seriously.
As a 49-year-old convalescing from prostate cancer surgery and the father of a six-year-old born with an unformed left ventricle, I appreciate the legacy of biomedical research that gave me my son and allowed early detection and removal of the cancer that I may enjoy his growing years. In thanks, I have become a participant, as a member of Americans for Medical Progress, in the debate between research advocates and those who deny all benefits, even to animals, of research involving animals.
That Peter Singer's work is filled with errors is no surprise. Singer, Ingrid Newkirk (Singer's disciple who cofounded People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA), and Neal Barnard of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine are on record making fantastic negative claims about the utility ...