A Critique of Arguments Against the Possibility of Artificial Intelligence.
Stuart Goldkind. Greenwood Press.
Westport, CT, 1987. 138 pp. $29.95.
The Promise of Artificial Intelligence.
M. Mitchell Waidrop. Walker and
Company, New York, 1987. 288 pp.
$22.95 HB, $14.95 PB.
After 30 years, investigators and critics of artificial intelligence (AT) continue to differ in their definitions of the domain and the fundamental claim that AI is or is not possible. Academics have a stake in the outcome. So do scientists and engineers who leverage their efforts with computers. More and more, software products are likely to claim additional function and benefit due to AI techniques. Should these products be required to display the message: “Caution: this software is based on a scientific domain that may not be possible”? Two recent publications offer contemporary summaries of this continuing debate. Stuart Goldkind’s monograph Machines and Intelligence examines...