Employees at Bayer Biological Products in Berkeley, Calif., throw a party once a year celebrating their diverse cultural backgrounds. The daylong fete, observed through music, dance, costume, and cuisine, spotlights the biotech company's commitment to fostering inclusion. Collectively, its 1,551 employees represent 47 countries and speak 32 languages.
"When I talk about this with potential recruits, their eyes light up," says Kris Weidling, human resources manager at Bayer BP, Bayer HealthCare's worldwide headquarters for biologic products. "Not only are we talking about, 'Yeah, diversity's important, inclusion's important,' [but] we've got specific things we've done to really show that we do treasure it."
While Berkeley's population is eclectic to begin with, the hemo-philia treatment-maker goes the extra mile to attract and nurture a multicultural workforce. Since 1988, for example, the division's diversity council has provided a forum for everyone from line-level staff to vice presidents to discuss diversity-related issues. In addition, ...