View a complete listing of gel documentation system suppliers here.
Illustration: Andrew Meehan
A typical low-cost gel-documentation system using a portable hood and digital camera is shown at right. At left is a typical high-end system based on a light-tight cabinet and a CCD.
Researcher Willy Walter of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has fairly typical gel-documentation needs: "We take pictures of ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels using a UV transilluminator and of yeast colonies under white light." If, like Walter, recording simple digital images of gels is your goal, a low-end system will provide the necessary functionality for under $5,000, and many are flexible enough for other imaging tasks, given correct lighting and filters. Those with more sophisticated applications like chemiluminescence in mind, will need a more powerful system. But even these can be had for under $20,000.
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