Compiled by Francesco Fiondella
The National Institutes of Health is the biggest funder of cancer research in the US. Figures include grants, contracts and intramural research.
The National Cancer Research Institute tracks funding given out by the UK's major cancer centers. Below, research spending in 2002.†
†Projects ongoing on April 2002 (most recent data available). Figures exclude overhead, marketing, etc.
NOTE: Fiscal years used throughout. Figures for British, German, and Swedish organizations were converted from Pounds, Euros, and Kroner, respectively, at current exchange rates.
SOURCES: World Health Organization/GLOBALCAN 2000 for cancer rates; National Cancer Research Institute; individual institutions for funding amounts
- Compiled by Francesco Fiondella
Global Glance
Age-adjusted cancer incidence and death rates per 100,000 people. Includes all cancer types except skin.
†Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, UK