Steven Farber did his PhD work and a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in neuroscience before joining the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Department of Embryology in 1995. Ninety percent of the time, Farber says, he heads a lab studying digestive organ function in zebra fish (see Peering into Carnegie), while the rest of the time he heads an outreach program to excite kids about science - the subject of Making Outreach Work. "We get letters from kids saying they want to be scientists when they grow up," says Farber. "It's a very rewarding effort."
Next month will mark senior editor Brendan Maher's sixth year with The Scientist. For this issue he traveled to the Carnegie Institution of Washington to profile the embryology department in Baltimore, Md. (see Peering into Carnegie). Here, he had the opportunity to observe young scientific minds working alongside legends in the field in a ...