Women seeking success in science face many problems. They often are poorly represented on study sections and editorial boards, as well as among officers of some professional societies. Women scientists also contend with difficulty finding employment and stressful struggles for tenure. Few go beyond the "glass ceiling" in academia, industry, or government. According to 1995-96 statistics from the American Association of University Professors, salaries of women on average are 18 percent less than those of men in all academic ranks. That disparity is as high as $8,000 in the senior ranks of academia (CPST Comments, 33[4]:13-14, June 1996).
For 75 years, Sigma Delta Epsilon-Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) has taken a proactive approach to dealing with these and other issues faced by women in attaining success in scientific research. With more than 1,000 members, GWIS is a multidisciplinary, worldwide professional organization geared toward graduate students. Members also...