Engineering Optics an Institute of Physics reprint journal that contains applied and engineering optics papers previously published in IOP journals, debuts this month The quarterly journal covers papers on fiber optics; optical communications, Integrated Optics optical sensors, lasers and displays and optical systems design. Charter two-year subscription rates are $56 (25 pounds U.K., 32 pounds overseas); personal subscriptions are $28 per year (12.50 pounds U.K., 16 pounds overseas); institutional subscriptions are $79 (45 pounds U.K.) per year. For more information, contact: American Institute of Physics, Marketing Services, 335 East 45th St., New York, NY 10017; (516) 349-7800, or Geraldine Pounsford, IOP Publishing Ltd., Techno House, Redcliffe Way, Bristol BSI 6NX. Telephone: 0272 297481.
NEW PUBLICATIONS Engineering Optics an Institute of Physics reprint journal that contains applied and engineering optics papers previously published in IOP journals, debuts this month The quarterly journal covers papers on fiber optics; optical communications, Integrated Optics optical sensors, lasers and displays and optical systems design. Charter two-year subscription rates are $56 (25 pounds U.K., 32 pounds overseas); personal subscriptions are $28 per year (12.50 pounds U.K., 16 pounds ov