M. Beato, "Gene regulation by steroid hormones," Cell, 56, 335-44, 10 February 1989.
Migeul Beato (Institut für Molekularbiologie und Tumorforschung, Marburg, W.Ger.): "This article is cited frequently because it is a review on a very timely topic in a field that has made tremendous progress in the last few years. Steroid receptors are the most thoroughly analyzed eukaryotic regulatory proteins. For most people outside the field it is virtually impossible to follow the avalanche of primary literature on gene regulation by steroid hormones. For this reason, a relatively short review in a leading journal is a suitable source of actualized information. In addition, the point of view from which the article was written is very broad and includes mechanistic explanations, such as the role of chromatin structure in gene regulation, that are not usually discussed in similar papers. Other aspects, for instance the role of the hormone ligand, are also ...