When immunologists prepare specimens, they stain them with various reagents to bring out details or to produce specific chemical reactions. Efficient immunostaining requires accurate timing and effective buffer washes. During the staining process, it is also important that the researcher or technician take care not to damage the specimen.
Shandon Inc., of Pittsburgh, has released an immunostaining center that the company claims will save time and ensure accurate, consistent results while protecting delicate samples. The Shandon Sequenza Immunostaining Center can accommodate batch runs of all current methods of immunoperoxidase staining, including indirect peroxidase, avidin-biotin complex (ABC), peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP), and alkaline phosphatase: anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP). To save time, the unit can handle five different methods or five primaries per run, and can accept up to 10 slides per method or run. The Sequenza, which is equipped with an independent timer for each channel, is designed to let researchers see at a ...