Former University of Iowa molecular biologist, Jusan Yang, falsified several figures in an unpublished manuscript and at two scientific meetings, the US Public Health Service's Office of Research Integrity (ORI) linkurl:reported; last week. Yang, a postdoc in linkurl:John Engelhardt's; lab from 1997-2002 and an assistant research scientist in linkurl:Curt Sigmund's; lab from 2002-2005, presented falsified data at the __American Heart Association's Council for High Blood Pressure Research__ meeting in September 2003 and at the __Experimental Biology__ meeting in April 2004 claiming to show that four different RNA interference vectors inhibit a transcription factor that regulates expression of the blood-pressure enzyme, linkurl:renin.; A manuscript containing the linkurl:erroneous results; -- entitled "Increased renin transcription after inhibition of NF-YA with RNAi reveals through regulation of Ea element and Ear2" -- was in preparation but was never submitted. Yang's bogus findings were also initially included in an NIH grant application, which was rewritten to...
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