A few weeks ago a postdoctoral fellow in my laboratory asked me if I had found a USB-compatible cable for the lab's real-time PCR instrument (which was completely unrelated to her work). I replied, "No, I have not found it. I think I will order another one." Annoyed at me, she remarked in a sarcastic tone, "That's just lazy," to which I replied, "That is your unwarranted opinion." At this point I was so thoroughly disgusted that I could no longer continue my work. I could not believe anyone had the gall to call me lazy. On a normal day I am the first person to arrive in the lab (7:45 am) and oftentimes the last one to stop working (5:50 pm).
I kept thinking, "Who does she think she is?" I decided to ask my principal investigator to resolve the situation, because I felt incapable of dealing with my...