In his letter in the Feb. 8, 1993, issue of The Scientist [page 12], Stephen R. Kaufman of the Medical Research Modernization Committee (an antivivisectionist animal rights organization) effectively admits that the animal "protection" movement does very little to help animals in any way with the tens of millions of contributions received from misguided supporters.
His statement that "the movement...wastes much of its resources on mass mailings, and commits only a small fraction of its resources to animal research campaigns" has been amply documented by journalists. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson has pointed out on a number of occasions that the animal "protection" movement is one of the best get-rich-quick rackets to come along in a long time. The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 29, 1990) and the official publication of the direct-marketing industry (Who's Mailing What?, July/August 1990) have reported that a large number of these "protection" organizations spend well over...