In addition to writing for The Scientist, Susan Warner, who spent 14 years at The Philadelphia Inquirer, contributes to the New Jersey section of The New York Times and The Wharton School's online journal. On page 28, Warner writes about the business of vaccines. "I'd started working on it before there was all this big hubbub about the bird flu," she says. "I could see that companies were gearing up in the vaccine field. I had earlier covered how companies withdrew from it...and I thought, that's news."
Tracey Brown is the director of Sense About Science, a UK nonprofit group that promotes an evidence-based approach to science. The public's anxiety about cell phones and other issues affecting health "has stemmed almost entirely from un-peer-reviewed claims," she says. Brown notes a recent increase in "material that presents itself as scientific" on the Internet and from media sources "commenting on things that ...