The Industrial Biotechnology Association, meeting in Naples, Fla., last week, voted unanimously to merge with the Association of Biotechnology Companies to form a new group, the Biotechnology Industry Organization. According to Carl Feldbaum, the newly appointed president of BIO (Barbara Spector, The Scientist, Feb. 22, 1993, page 1), IBA's board first voted unanimously for the merger. Later in the meeting, ABC's board, also meeting in Naples, voted unanimously in favor of merging, as well. The "ayes" had it again--unanimously--when IBA's membership voted on the issue. What remains is a vote by ABC's membership, which will take place at the group's annual meeting next month. "I, frankly, didn't expect [a unanimous vote]," says Feldbaum, a former aide to Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) "I've gone through many votes in my life, and very few were unanimous."
In other biotechnology news, Vol. II, Issue 1 of Your World, Our World, the Pennsylvania ...