The Association of Engineers and Scientists for New Americans (AES), a New York-based self-help organization of immigrant technical professionals, is seeking volunteer mentors from academia, industry, and government. The group, composed primarily of refugees from the former Soviet Union, most of whom have Ph.D.'s, wants to match immigrant participants with working scientists, who would instruct proteges in job-hunting in the United States and in applying their previously acquired knowledge in their new home. The immigrants would serve as interns in the mentor's institution for three to six months. AES is now seeking grant support for this program. For information, contact AES, 45 E. 33rd St., Suite 3-24, New York, N.Y. 10016; (212) 447-5040. Fax: (212) 889-9366.
A chemistry teacher at the University of Connecticut has found, in a pilot study of 16 undergraduates, that students' performance improves by half a letter grade when they study in groups. Now, thanks ...