Sidney Landau, ed. John Wiley .&
Sons, New York, 1986. 3 vols., 3,200
pp. $395.
James L Bennington, ed W.B.
Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1984.
1,674 pp. $65.
Quick access to a major medical dictionary is a must for biomedical scientists. Most of us have purchased at least-one in our careers. The two leading Amer ican unabridged medical dictionaries are Sted man’s and Dorland’s; in Britain, Butterworth’s is used a great deal. Two relatively new reference works that are worthy additions to the field are the International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology (IDMB) and Saunders Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Laboratory Medicine and Technology.
IDMB, which was 10 years in the making, is an unusual publication. - The three volume dictionary has a three tiered system of editors and consultants headed by a five-member editorial board led by E. Lovell Beckett. The board recruited more, than 80 advisory editors, who in turn ...